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Tree Vocabulary – W & X
W Water Jet – A procedure that uses high-pressure water and a probe to create air passages in the soil. Primary reason for use is mitigation for compacted soil. Water
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Tree Vocabulary – U & V
U Union (Crotch) – The junction between stem and branch or between stems.  V Vactor Truck – A truck equipped with a large tank and vacuum unit able to remove
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Tree Vocabulary – S
S Sandy Loam – A soil containing much sand, but which has enough silt and clay to make it somewhat coherent. The individual sand grains can be readily seen and
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Tree Vocabulary – R
R Radial Trenching – A method used to mitigate and replace soil inside the tree root protection zone. Soil is removed from trenches that are 8-12 inches wide and 18-36
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Tree Vocabulary – P
P Parent Branch or Stem – The tree trunk or the larger limb from which lateral branches are growing. Photosynthesis – The transformation, in the presence of chlorophyll and light,
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Tree Vocabulary – N
N Notch-Stress – Location along a tree stem where the uniform force flow is interrupted. The result is localized, high stress areas with a greater potential for failure. Nutrients –
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Tree Vocabulary – M
M Macronutrient – A chemical element necessary in large amounts (usually 50 mg/kg in the plant) for the growth of plants. Includes C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, Mg
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Tree Vocabulary – L
L Lateral – A branch or twig growing from a parent branch or stem in a horizontal direction from the parent stem. Leader – A dominant upright stem, usually the
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Tree Vocabulary – I
I Included Bark or Embedded Bark (EB) – Included bark occurs when bark is included into the attachment between two stems, preventing the joining of wood tissue in the area
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Tree Vocabulary – H
H Hardscape – The pavement, irrigation system, and other structural elements of a landscape. Heading Cut – Pruning a currently growing of one-year shoot back to a bud, or cutting
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