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What is the average cost to prune a tree?
What Is The Average Cost? The Average Cost to Prune a Tree can vary widely due to a range of factors. To understand the pricing better, let’s break down the
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Do Lawn Chemicals Harm My Tree?
Do Lawn Chemicals Harm My Tree? The impact of lawn chemicals on trees can vary depending on the specific chemicals used, their concentration, application rate, and the tree species in
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Does decay or disease make a tree dangerous?
Does decay or disease make a tree dangerous? Yes, Decay or disease in a tree can make it dangerous if left undiagnosed. When a tree is affected by decay or
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How To Know If Your Tree Is Dead or Dying
How To Know If Your Tree Is Dead or Dying With colder weather and seasonal changes sometimes a tree can appear dead, when it’s really just dormant. A dormant tree
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Tree removal and yard damage?
Before removing a tree tree or hiring a tree service make sure you understand the possibility of damage so you don't wast $
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What does it cost to remove a tree?
Tree removal is not a straightforward undertaking. One has to set aside a considerable amount of time to understand all the key factors involved. These include:  Tree condition. Size and parts
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Can My Tree Be Saved?
Can my tree be saved or Is my tree dying?   At least once a day a client will ask us, “How can I save my tree?” or “Is my
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Is Ganoderma On Your Trees?
Is Ganoderma On Your Trees? Ganoderma Tree Disease in Florida The root pathogen, Ganoderma lucidum, generally enters a tree through wounds, tears, cuts or damaged roots. Most trees in Florida
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